Taking the Day Off - The Art of Double Cleansing

Without a doubt, cleansing is the most important step of any routine and by cleansing I mean actually removing the dirt and grime rather than just compounding the damage using baby or facial wipes. If you are not properly cleansing your face, you will never see an improvement, regardless of whichever expensive serum or moisturiser you are use.You need to wash your face, properly, with water,atleastonceaday. 

Since being introduced to it by Sali Hughes, beauty editor for the Guardian, I  have become a huge advocate of double cleansing (i.ewashing your face with two separate cleansers in one sitting). Double cleansing shouldn’t be necessary in the morning, but I would always do it in the evening, especially if I have been wearing makeup or SPF in the day. Also, as Sali says, If you find you don’t have the energy to cleanse properly before bed, I would certainly suggest doing it earlier, as soon as you walk in the door if you have to; just make sure you do it.

I always have at least 3 different types of cleansers on rotation. I use both high end cleansers and high street ranges. What brand or type you use will be determined by your budget and preference but I would certainly recommend having at least two. Oils and balms are easily my favourite choice for skin cleansing. They are effective cleansers as they make sure everything is removed correctly but they are also delicate so your skin asnot to cause any aggravation or irritation by the process alone.

Morning Cleanse

When you wake up, assess how your skin feels and consider what you will be doing the rest of the day. I personally prefer to use cleansing oil in the morning as I feel it provides a layer on my skin and much needed softness and moisture which helps my makeup application .If I am staying at home though and not wearing makeup, then I may go for a cream cleanser instead. Experts will disagree , but when I have been exercising, I will use a gel cleanser in the shower and have never had any issues. Apparently, it is not advisable to cleanse your face with hot water from the shower, but I have never had an issue,

Evening/Double Cleanse

if I have been out and about, wearing SPF or makeup, I always double cleanse. Forthe first cleanse, I will go in with a greasy cleansing oil or balm, using the hot flannel method to remove the excesses of the day.