8 Objects that Inspire my Creativity


As an artist, it is important to reflect on what influences and inspires us. Those influences are usually telling as to our personality. In order to consider this further, as an exercise, I found 8 various objects that, for one reason or another, inspire me creatively.



Specifically, letters from various family members. Throughout my life, I have lived in different parts of the world and before social media became a ‘thing’, as phone calls were expensive, I would write letters to friends and family members as often as I could. To be able to look through these now and reflect back enables me to consider how much my life has changed and relive various moments again.

Red Lipstick

Despite being a makeup artist, I was once scared of wearing bright colours when it came to makeup. I felt, and still feel self-conscious from having small lips. The reason for this I realised, while doing this exercise, is that I am secretly a shy person who does not like to draw attention to myself. In order to gain confidence as a makeup artist, I felt the red lipstick was a defining moment as it allowed me to create a persona which I could bring in as my “work self”. Interestingly, around this time, I also changed my hair colour from it natural red to blonde.



Specifically, ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ which was a book I read as part of my exams in secondary school and is one of the first books that I found I was able to really enjoy and identify with the female protagonist. The story is focused on a teenage girl who is first generation Australian from Italian descent and details her struggles with her identity. This resonates with me as this is also something I struggle with and I use my artistry to enable me to work through some of these issues.

Plane Ticket


This object made me laugh as it made me realise how materialistic in some ways I had become. I have kept this plane ticket as inspiration and to remind myself how successful I have been in my career. I had not been able to visit my home country for a number of years because I could not afford to travel in business class (!) as it was a very long flight (24 hours plus connections).Finding this led to a conversation where I discovered that my need for perfection and the “finest” things can come at a cost to what is important to me, namely being able to see friends and family in this particular case. 


As an artist, my perfectionism and need to be the best is something that does hold me back and stops my progression. I have become better at this during my time at university, but this is something I think I will always struggle with.




I have been extremely lucky in the fact that I have been able to travel extensively, and I bought this elephant during a trip to Thailand. I feel that travel broadens my mind. I also have found that my experience with different cultures has made me more curious and has allowed me to interpret what I have learnt into my skill base when creating.



Having had an extremely close relationship with my now deceased parents, I always keep a photograph of my parents and I close by. My mother was a very strong woman who instilled in me work ethic while my father was also a creative who taught me that it doesn’t matter what job I have, if I don’t enjoy going to work, no job is worth it. This sentiment encouraged me to become a makeup artist and not focus too much on the negative as the benefits outweigh this in the majority.

Running Vest


I enjoy running as I feel it benefits me both physically and mentally. Also, I have found that it clears my mind and I have some great, creative ideas while running.  After I run, particularly if I do it in the morning, it provides me with a feeling of being centred and helps me focus on the day ahead.

A Painting from my Son

My son is extremely creative, and I find him to be a constant source of inspiration. He enjoys writing, drawing and painting so we often sit side beside one another working on projects together. Despite his young age, he is always able to give me good ideas as to what I can try in my own work and enjoys seeing some of the images that I help produce. On a personal note, my son is also my main driving force as I want him to have a strong female role model who is successful in her chosen profession as I feel this is important to his development.

As a task, this was a very interesting method of self-discovery. I am obviously someone who finds creativity through emotion. All the things I keep close are objects I have had for years. I feel this comes through in my work, as I prefer more classic styles of makeup compared to very out there avantegardework, and this has continued to be an exercise I revisit when I’m struggling to find inspiration.

It is clear from the objects important to me that I am sentimental and reflective artist who uses my life experiences to guide inspiration. I draw on those around me to bring ideas to life, valuing other opinions and input.  However, I tend to become anxious and can be scared of making mistakes or not being “perfect” which can limit my creativity. In order to develop as an artist, it is important that I acknowledge these limitations and take steps to limit or overcome this. While striving for the best is not a bad thing, it limits my creativity meaning I am less likely to take risks.